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Showing posts from 2020

Signing Off for Now. Fair Winds!

 Hi everyone,  You might have noticed that I haven't been blogging for quite some time. Two reasons: 1. I've been involved in a secret IOM project out of Australia and have not been able to blog about it. However, information should be coming out shortly. When I am okayed to talk about it, I'll let you know what has developed. It's exciting! Stay tuned. 2. I'm out of RC Sailing, 3D design, and laser cutting file drawing for the time being. This summer my wife and I were sitting on our deck in Seattle. We had been through a semester of teaching remotely, our city was having riots, the world was on fire both literally and with Covid, the housing market in Seattle was also on fire (in a good way), and I turned old enough to be eligible for (very) early retirement.  We were chatting and pondering as we often do, and we finally turned to each other and said, "Screw it, let's go!". Within a month we had sold the house, moved ourselves and the cat in with the

The Vickers V8 IOM Laser Cut Frames For Sale!

Ian Vickers has decided to sell the file to create laser cut frames for his well-liked V8 IOM RC sailboat so that you can build one at home! He's selling the plans for the V8 along with the file that you would send to a laser cutter. He is NOT selling the actual laser cut frames. And you are only allowed to make ONE boat from the plans and the frame file. It's a fair deal. If interested, go to his website and check it out. Once you pay for the plans and file, he will send you an email confirming that you agree to only build one boat, and then he will send you the file. You then research a laser cutter in your country and have them cut it. Here is a purposely blurred image of the DWG file that you will receive and send to your laser cutter. (It's blurred and low-resolution to protect Ian's intellectual property.)  The file is ten sheets of plywood, all 12" x 24". If you're not in the States or Canada, then you'll probably display that in mill

In the Works: "The Wooden IOM Construction Manual"

This is months away, if it ever actually gets completed, but I thought I'd try to get some input on what should be included in " The Wooden International One Metre Construction Manual " for building... get this... a wooden IOM. I'm over 60 pages so far, but it's good to get other ideas and input. This is the third RC sailboat construction manual I've written, and it's the most accurate. But it's also the one that I have the most anxiety about because I'm still a rookie in the IOM world and others are building such gorgeous boats. Unlike Star 45's and Vintage Marbleheads, which are great but not raced as much, IOM's are still very popular. And everyone has their idea of what's best. My goals though are to: 1) Help grow the class and help people get into what is a very competitive and rules-based class. It's a very tough class to fully understand and to compete in. I'm still learning the racing side of IOM's myself, but

Alternative IOM Interior Bits

For whatever reasons, I've been too unmotivated to do much blogging about this Alternative IOM RC sailboat build. But I'm making progress regardless. It started off quickly after planking it in only eight days. But now I've slowed down. I've installed the interior bits now. The true IOM jockeys that are shooting for top in the world will never want this boat because a woody is too heavy for them. They'd look at my inside bits and say that it all weighs too much. For them, that's true. But for most people this boat will work well. It's too early to gauge the weight, but I'm hoping for as close to 100 grams of corrector weights as I can get. It's a heavier boat than the V8 though, for sure. All that said, this will be a strong boat. Here's how it looks so far... This is how it looks as of today after I installed the scoop deck.  But if you go back a week or so, I've done this... Made my own fin box. And I installed th

A Wooden "Alternative" IOM RC Sailboat

Being forced to stay home due to the Coronavirus quarantine has had a positive impact on my boat building. I still haven't been able to sail my newly completed Vickers V8 IOM, yet have just planked and glassed a wooden Alternative IOM . It only took me eight days. It usually takes a couple weeks. I haven't been motivated to blog about it, but I started planking on 5 April and finished planking last night. Today I sanded and have fiberglassed the outside. The Alternative by Brad Gibson was a challenge to plank due to its up-swept bow and flared sheer near the bow. It turned out okay, but as any builder will tell you, there are goofs all over. One that I only discovered after sanding is a lighter colored plank on the starboard side. It really showed up after fiberglassing as the epoxy brought it out... GAAAAH! How did that get there? The other goofs I'll let you find, but that one is pretty obvious. Here's how it looks so far: Here you can see that mu

Presenting the Vickers V8 Wooden IOM RC Sailboat

Ta Da!   The Vickers V8 wooden IOM RC sailboat in cedar is done. Phew. I think it looks good given all of the unknowns that I'm still struggling with. Class: International One Meter (IOM) Designer: Ian Vickers, Australia. Please contact him for plans.   LOA: 1000mm Final weight: 3841 grams. She'll carry 159 grams of corrector weights. From the start of the first plank laid it has taken 70 days to build. That doesn't include the hundred or more hours I spent beforehand working on the 3D model and the laser cut frame file. Now, once the governors "stay at home" order is lifted (I'm writing this from Seattle during the corona virus outbreak of 2020), she'll get her maiden sail. Can't wait to get her in the water. I'm not that into the whole IOM look yet, but a wood IOM is starting to grow on me. So... how do I spend the rest of my stay-at-home-order time? Lots of options, but an Alternative might be a thought!

V8 IOM Clear-Coated, Sanded, and Polished

After three rounds of clear-coating (3-4 coats each round), waiting 48 hours between each round and then sanding with 600 once dry, and then today wet-sanding (600, 1000, 1200, 1500, 2000) and then using my power polisher with compounds, this is what I ended up with. It weighs 769 after the final sanding and polishing, which is weird because I gained a gram since the last spray round but sanded the crap out of the clear coat. I'm guessing that I have a gram or three of wate r in the hull as I used a hose to clear off the sanding residue and absolutely soaked the hull. Perhaps there's some exposed wood too? The polishing compounds really shouldn't add any weight... right? At this point I'm hoping that I'm around 115 grams of corrector weight, but we'll see if I can find a few more grams in the rig. Next step... build the rig. I can't avoid it any longer. Cheers!

The V8 IOM after one round of clear urethane (UPDATED after second round)

I weighed the Vickers V8 IOM this morning after the urethane was dry, and the hull weighs 733. Excel tells me that I'm on track for about 125 grams of corrector weights. Not too bad if I say so myself. Just hope I haven't forgotten to include anything! :p Will sand it tomorrow (if I can wait that long) and see how it looks. I've got some orange peel and a few drips. But I won't be afraid to spray on two more rounds (each round = 3-4 coats sprayed on in a session with 20 minutes between coats, then letting it cure for 48 hours) given that yesterday's coats only weighed 20 grams. That's lighter than varnish! UPDATE after the second round of clear-coating: After sanding the coats from the first round, and doing some weighing, I'm approximating that each round of clear-coating, after sanding, will weigh around 15-17 grams. The hull weighed 730 after wet-sanding the first round. It currently weighs 749 after applying the second round but before sanding. I

V8 IOM Sprayed With 2-Part Urethane

Finally got warm enough in my garage, with the help of my heater, to spray Klass Kote two-part clear urethane on my Vickers V8 IOM. Got some runs and drips but I'll have to sand it anyway in a day or two, and then use the polisher to get it shiny again, although it'll never be as shiny as it is now. Next step... start sanding and polishing. Cheers!

Vickers' V8 IOM Foredeck Installed

I've spent the past week slowly tinkering on the foredeck for my version of Ian Vickers' V8. I wanted to try to make a plywood one with compound curves. It's made from two layers of .5mm (1/64") ply cut to fit in the foredeck mold frame that I made. The original V8 plans called for a foredeck with compound curves. The fore-aft curve deflects just over 2mm and I wanted to see if I could get it to go that far with a compound curve. It worked! The final deck has a deflection of approx. 2.5mm. Not bad. Here's how the process went... It took some pretty high pressure to get the deck to deflect, but not so much that it will eventually warp the hull. Well... I can't avoid it too much longer... It's almost time for finishing. Gotta get some warmer weather and then dig out the spray gun! Cheers!

V8 IOM Aft Deck Installed

Slowly making progress. She'll sail someday! Got the aft deck installed yesterday. The hull still looks unfinished and rough sanded, because it's unfinished and rough sanded.  I'll do the final coating and finishing when I ever get the foredeck installed. The deck was laser cut from .8mm (1/32") birch ply. On the underside, surrounding each hatch opening, there is another layer of 1/32" ply that is about 15mm wide or so. I included a screenshot of the SketchUp model if interested. They give the deck a good amount of stiffness without adding too much weight.  Here's how it looks now. Took some outdoor snaps to get the better light. You can see how the mast well/scoop deck turned out. More later!  Cheers!