After three rounds of clear-coating (3-4 coats each round), waiting
48 hours between each round and then sanding with 600 once dry, and then
today wet-sanding (600, 1000, 1200, 1500, 2000) and then using my power
polisher with compounds, this is what I ended up with.
It weighs 769 after the final sanding and polishing, which is weird because I gained a gram since the last spray round but sanded the crap out of the clear coat. I'm guessing that I have a gram or three of water in the hull as I used a hose to clear off the sanding residue and absolutely soaked the hull. Perhaps there's some exposed wood too? The polishing compounds really shouldn't add any weight... right?
At this point I'm hoping that I'm around 115 grams of corrector weight, but we'll see if I can find a few more grams in the rig.
Next step... build the rig. I can't avoid it any longer.
It weighs 769 after the final sanding and polishing, which is weird because I gained a gram since the last spray round but sanded the crap out of the clear coat. I'm guessing that I have a gram or three of water in the hull as I used a hose to clear off the sanding residue and absolutely soaked the hull. Perhaps there's some exposed wood too? The polishing compounds really shouldn't add any weight... right?
At this point I'm hoping that I'm around 115 grams of corrector weight, but we'll see if I can find a few more grams in the rig.
Next step... build the rig. I can't avoid it any longer.
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