According to many, the Corbie 5 IOM of Mirage Radio Yachts in Tasmania is currently one of the most competitive boat designs available to the home builder who wishes to build a wooden IOM. The other wood IOM design is the " Alternative " IOM from Brad Gibson Sails and Design in the UK. I've purchased the plans for the Alternative but haven't received them yet. Since drawing up laser cut frames for the Laerke IOM, I've started looking toward building an IOM that might actually be competitive with a more modern design. It was suggested to me by Bob Wells , a Seattle IOM guy with loads of knowledge about IOM's, that I contact Jeff Byerley in Tasmania and Ian Dundas in Scotland about getting the plans for the Corbie 5 IOM. Those two have worked together to create the Corbie 5 and to make it available to home builders. I contacted them, bought the plans, and got the plans and a well-written construction manual. They also agreed to send me the DXF file of