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Showing posts from November, 2018

The Corbie 5 IOM laser cut building forms!

According to many, the Corbie 5 IOM of Mirage Radio Yachts in Tasmania is currently one of the most competitive boat designs available to the home builder who wishes to build a wooden IOM. The other wood IOM design is the " Alternative " IOM from Brad Gibson Sails and Design in the UK. I've purchased the plans for the Alternative but haven't received them yet. Since drawing up laser cut frames for the Laerke IOM, I've started looking toward building an IOM that might actually be competitive with a more modern design. It was suggested to me by Bob Wells , a Seattle IOM guy with loads of knowledge about IOM's, that I contact Jeff Byerley in Tasmania and Ian Dundas in Scotland about getting the plans for the Corbie 5 IOM. Those two have worked together to create the Corbie 5 and to make it available to home builders. I contacted them, bought the plans, and got the plans and a well-written construction manual. They also agreed to send me the DXF file of

Laerke IOM Laser Cut Frames

Made a lot of progress today! Finished the 3D model (see previous post) and now I've made the files for the laser cut frames. Just ordered several sheets of Lite Ply from National Balsa, so I'll be ready to laser cut as soon as it arrives. Yes, I know... even with the Lite Ply I still have too many frames remaining in the boat and it will be heavy. I really doubt that I'll have to add any corrector weights at all. But it shouldn't be tooooo much over the minimum weight. That said, the rest of the boats will all be under the minimum and have corrector weights strategically placed. Lite Ply really is light though. So fingers crossed... The hull will be Western red cedar planks with one layer of 1.4 oz. fiberglass cloth over the outside. No glass inside but the hull will be sealed with epoxy though for waterproofing. Guess I better go get more 3/4" MDF and get going on a strongback... Aloha!

Laerke IOM 3D Model Completed

I think I finished the Laerke 3D model... I stopped being absolute about that though because I know I'll have to go back in and twiddle with some things. But otherwise, the model is now complete. It'll be heavy for an IOM, but I'm not too concerned because it's going to be at the back of the pack due to it being an outdated design and due to my crappy sailing skills. But it will look great! The wood-colored stuff will stay in the boat, but the green frames will be knocked out after I cut the hull from the building board. It will be the lightest boat I've ever made, but still one of the heaviest IOM's out there. Obviously the support structures of the brown frames will also be removed. The boat won't have to carry that much stuff!  Next step : Make the laser-cut frames files. And then it's off to make the hull! Aloha!

Laerke IOM 3D Model

I'm making some progress on the Laerke 3D model. Have chatted with Bob Wells who knows everything about IOM's. He agrees that the Laerke is a beautiful boat, but is pretty sure that it won't be competitive with the modern post-BritPop! boats. I agree, but just want to start my IOM journey with a nice looking wooden boat. It's all about the wood and the aesthetics! He suggests that I get the plans for the Corbie 5, so I'll probably do that anyway. Here's where I'm at so far: The blue/purple thing is the building board. Green frames are temporary and will not stay in the boat. Tan/wood-looking frames are permanent and will stay in the boat. They will mostly be 1/8" Lite Ply, or 1/16" birch plywood. More later! Aloha!

Back at it with a new boat! And... it's an IOM... Gasp!

Hi! I'm back for another boat build! This time it's an IOM. Yes, I know that it's not a Vintage Marblehead. Or vintage anything... it's a design from 2004. But this boat really looks cool and I want one. The boat is the Laerke IOM designed by Søren Andresen from Denmark. Hopefully he'll contact me and give me some pointers. And before all you hardcore IOM sailors start to tell me that the Laerke is an outdated design from way back in 2004... I know, but I will maintain that it's probably still very fast! I don't care if it's the fastest or not... I just like the design. Please remember that my entire interest in this hobby is in nice looking boats that A.) look like proper boats, and B.) can be made in wood by reasonably talented home builders. The Laerke looks great and modern IOM's don't even look like boats. Besides, to be competitive in IOM's you have to spend a fortune to keep up with everyone else. I have no interest in buying m