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The Vickers V8 IOM Laser Cut Frames For Sale!

Ian Vickers has decided to sell the file to create laser cut frames for his well-liked V8 IOM RC sailboat so that you can build one at home!

He's selling the plans for the V8 along with the file that you would send to a laser cutter. He is NOT selling the actual laser cut frames. And you are only allowed to make ONE boat from the plans and the frame file. It's a fair deal.

If interested, go to his website and check it out. Once you pay for the plans and file, he will send you an email confirming that you agree to only build one boat, and then he will send you the file. You then research a laser cutter in your country and have them cut it.

Here is a purposely blurred image of the DWG file that you will receive and send to your laser cutter. (It's blurred and low-resolution to protect Ian's intellectual property.) 

Vickers V8 IOM laser cut frames

The file is ten sheets of plywood, all 12" x 24". If you're not in the States or Canada, then you'll probably display that in millimeters but you shouldn't scale the file though. It's already at the correct size. There are four different thicknesses of plywood used:

6 sheets are 3mm (1/8”) “Lite Ply” which is lightweight plywood made from poplar wood.

2 sheets are 1.5mm (1/16”) birch plywood.

1 sheet is .9mm (1/32”) birch plywood.

1 sheet is .4mm (1/64”) birch plywood.

He's charging $100 NZD (about $60 USD) for the plans and file package. Pretty sweet deal if you ask me!

If you're thinking of stepping up to a big challenge, then this may be your project. But it's a LOT of work, it's NOT a kit, and it will cost you some money to build this thing.



  1. Hi Steve,
    No new notices from april2020, how are things going? Hope well.
    Waiting for the IOM book.
    Here in Madrid, Spain, we are working in a Ellipsis from Frank Russel design.
    Really a lot of problems but still goin on.
    Your web is very helpfull for us.
    Thank you.

    Sergio CR

  2. Hi Sergio,

    Thanks for the comment. Yes, it's been a year of big changes for me. Please see my latest post for updates:

    I may be able to work on the Wooden IOM Construction Manual in the future, but not immediately. Email me privately for more information and we can chat about a proof-copy.


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