I've been making progress on planking the Wampum VM. Today I installed the 14th plank, which is covering the flat "floor" area of the hull so I could use a very wide, shaped piece instead of a normal plank! This got to very near the end of the planking process.
Stupidly, when I designed the frames based off of the original lines, I included the 1" garboard fillet in the frames. Had I simply run the frames straight all the way to the keel, I could have made this the final plank and then simply filleted in the 1" garboard curve with thickened epoxy. Before making the frames available to the public, I think I'll go back and redo that part of the frames. It would be easier to plank. There are two other little areas that may need adjusting too, but I won't know for sure until after I fair the entire hull.
In a few areas on each side, I had to use wooden plugs to "nail" down the wide plank onto the frames. They'll be easy to cut off and shape later. The bottom will be painted below the waterline, so you'll never see these.
I had to come up with a way to hold down the plank at the end. All I could think of was to clamp some hold-downs onto the side of the rudder skeg. Seemed to work.
The front of the planks needed to be held down with a lot of rubber bands.
More later!
Stupidly, when I designed the frames based off of the original lines, I included the 1" garboard fillet in the frames. Had I simply run the frames straight all the way to the keel, I could have made this the final plank and then simply filleted in the 1" garboard curve with thickened epoxy. Before making the frames available to the public, I think I'll go back and redo that part of the frames. It would be easier to plank. There are two other little areas that may need adjusting too, but I won't know for sure until after I fair the entire hull.
In a few areas on each side, I had to use wooden plugs to "nail" down the wide plank onto the frames. They'll be easy to cut off and shape later. The bottom will be painted below the waterline, so you'll never see these.
I had to come up with a way to hold down the plank at the end. All I could think of was to clamp some hold-downs onto the side of the rudder skeg. Seemed to work.
The front of the planks needed to be held down with a lot of rubber bands.
More later!
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