Yesterday I was able to fiberglass the Wampum VM.
Today, I sanded the hull well. It had a lot of runs, sags, curtains, waves, etc... The sanding evened out much of the issues, but I still needed to add a second coat of epoxy to raise up some of the low spots.
Tomorrow I'll sand the second coat and probably add a third.
Here's how it looks with the second coat of epoxy.
I really like how the inner plywood keel pieces show. They add a bit of accent to the cedar. Nice.
Today, I sanded the hull well. It had a lot of runs, sags, curtains, waves, etc... The sanding evened out much of the issues, but I still needed to add a second coat of epoxy to raise up some of the low spots.
Tomorrow I'll sand the second coat and probably add a third.
Here's how it looks with the second coat of epoxy.
I really like how the inner plywood keel pieces show. They add a bit of accent to the cedar. Nice.
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